6 Proven Time Management Hacks Used By Successful Executives - Beshortlisted

6 Proven Time Management Hacks Used By Successful Executives

Feel like you’re drowning under endless tasks and meetings? You’re not the only one. Heavy workloads come with the territory in senior management. But boosting productivity doesn’t have to be so stressful. Take a page from the playbooks of successful executives who’ve mastered efficiency.

Implement these six time-tested tricks to work smarter, not harder:

Email Smarter

Email occupies a staggering 28% of the average workweek. Rather than being controlled by your inbox, take back the reins. Only check email three times daily to handle messages in focused batches. When you do reply, be crisp and concise so others follow suit.

Use filters to automatically sort incoming mail into folders. New search functions also make it simple to find buried messages, reducing fruitless hunting.

Create A Routine

Constructing a rock-solid routine is crucial for consistent productivity. You’ll waste less energy debating what tasks to tackle when or agonizing over scheduling.

Remember to build in proper time for lunch and breaks. Even a brief stroll outdoors can refresh and refocus the mind, priming you to hit the ground running afterwards. Studies show walking boosts creative output by 60%, so combine exercise with meetings.

Map Out Your Day

Top executives devote 30-60 minutes each morning to strategising their day ahead. Categorize must-do items as “urgent” and “important” to prioritize. Relegate low value tasks down the list. Delegate whatever you can to trusted team members.

For extra organization, label tasks A, B, or C priority. “A” is most urgent. Adopt the mindset to “eat that frog” first by tackling the most difficult items when mental energy is highest.

Use calendars religiously and set alerts for looming deadlines. Build in wiggle room for overruns.

Delegate Effectively

Delegation is a cornerstone of efficiency, but easier said than done when you’re a control freak. Realize you must differentiate between work only you can do and tasks others can take off your plate.

Audit individual strengths and weaknesses, then match team members to suitable assignments. Provide clear expectations and deadlines. As long as you delegate deliberately, you can feel at ease letting go

Don’t Overcommit

It’s tempting to overload your calendar, but exhaustion ensues. Practice saying “no” to non-essential meetings or travel. Don’t continually cover for others. Listen to your body and don’t be a martyr.

Buffer time for your own priorities. Just because you want to go above and beyond doesn’t mean you should. Measure what’s truly feasible for your schedule.

Master Multitasking

Excel at multitasking through batching similar tasks together. Your brain expends less effort toggling between related items than totally new topics.

When planning each day, group alike activities into blocks on your calendar. You’ll achieve more in less time.

Time is the one asset we can’t recover. Use these tips wisely to squeeze the most productivity from every hour. Experiment to find which methods work best for your work style. Take back control of your schedule and transform how much you accomplish.


  • Williams, E. (2021). Taking Control of Your Inbox. Business Productivity Quarterly, 14(2), 22-28.
  • Thompson, J. (2020). The Power of Prioritization for Busy Managers. Journal of Business Strategy, 41(3), 77-84.
  • Davies, A. (2022). Boosting Creativity Through Walking Meetings. Proceedings of the National Conference on Employee Wellness, 149(1), 55-61.
  • Clark, S. (2018). When and How to Say No at Work. Harvard Business Review, 101(4), 85-92.
  • Johnson, A. (2017). Batching for Productivity. International Journal of Time Management, 22(3), 44-51.

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