10 Productivity Hacks for Project Managers - Beshortlisted

10 Productivity Hacks for Project Managers

Project managers do more than just assign tasks – they’re responsible for setting and meeting deadlines. For most of us, deadlines are necessary for getting things done. Use these 10 productivity hacks to help your team stay on track and never miss a deadline again.

Prioritise and Delegate Strategically 

The key to boosting team productivity is communicating priorities clearly from the start. When delegating work, explain which tasks each person should focus on first. Give realistic time estimates for completing assignments. Make sure the team understands the expected quality standards. Then let people work independently in their own style once expectations are set. Micromanaging will only slow things down.

Limit Meetings 

Too many unnecessary meetings kill productivity. You need regular check-ins, but not every issue requires a meeting. Consider using collaboration tools or online conferencing instead. Aim for as few meetings as possible, and keep them short. 

Encourage Asking for Help

Encourage team members to try resolving issues independently at first. But make it clear there’s no shame in asking for guidance when stuck after hours of struggle. Seeking a fresh perspective is better than wasting time spinning your wheels.

Allow Short Breaks

A healthy mind equals productive work. Rather than pressuring teams about deadlines, focus on boosting energy. Suggest short (10-15 minute) breaks throughout the day to rejuvenate mental focus.

Minimise Distractions

Technology can aid productivity but also serves as a distraction flame. Disable notifications unrelated to immediate work to avoid being pulled away from tasks. Evaluate your workspace and determine what environment you work best in. Then optimize it accordingly, whether that’s a quiet space or amid controlled chaos. Establish boundaries around your availability to others. Drama is a workplace productivity killer – keep relationships professional.

Leverage Technology 

Modern tools can drive productivity through task lists, file sharing, collaboration features, and more. Create organized task lists to systematically tackle work. Attach relevant files and notes to each task. Collaborate in real time by sharing access to tasks. The right software enhances productivity.

Automate What’s Possible

Become an expert in your project management platforms. Identify opportunities to automate syncing information across tools through integrations and settings adjustments. This saves massive time compared to manually checking and updating the same systems repeatedly. Look for ways to customize tools to your specific needs.

Treat Projects as Learning 

While projects may seem repetitive, approach each one as a fresh opportunity to build skills. Take on new challenges, improve subject knowledge, vary communication style, or get creative with data analysis. This mindset can exceed typical goals. Conduct retrospectives to uncover lessons from the last project and apply improvements to the next.

Track Key Metrics

Regularly monitor time reports, task completion rates, team velocity, vacation schedules, budget utilization and more. This provides an accurate snapshot of overall project health, allowing course correction before issues escalate. Unexpected trends typically signify problems. Staying on top of the numbers enables proactive communication about necessary adjustments.

Educate Your Team

Explain context for decisions and technical concepts in understandable terms. Use questions as learning opportunities to build your own knowledge. Schedule time with technical experts to discuss unfamiliar concepts. Increased understanding enables better planning, expert consultation, and client communication. A knowledge-hungry project manager performs at their peak.

Implementing even a few of these project management best practices can lead to noticeable productivity gains. Try out different approaches to determine what works best for your unique circumstances. Consistent optimisation of processes is key to meeting deadlines with less stress.

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