How to Hire Top Talent in Nigeria: The Complete Guide - Beshortlisted

How to Hire Top Talent in Nigeria: The Complete Guide

Finding the best employees is a major battle for businesses operating in Nigeria. Despite having a population over 200 million people, companies across industries struggle to hire qualified candidates. This shortage of employees impacts businesses of all sizes.

A new tech start-up in Lagos may have a brilliant app idea but cannot find developers to build it. A large multinational corporation tries to expand in Nigeria but fails to recruit managers and skilled labourers for the new operations.

For Nigerian companies, effective recruitment is no longer just an HR task. It is a critical strategic priority that determines if the business will succeed or fail. Solving the country’s recruitment challenges is vital for Nigeria’s economic progress.

Hear is how to effectively segment and target your recruiting campaigns to attract top talent. Discover actionable strategies and expert insights to optimise your recruitment efforts.

Get to Know Your Ideal Candidates In-Depth

Truly understanding who you want to hire is job:

Analyse demographic data like their ages, locations, and education levels. For instance, if hiring entry-level software engineers, your core targets may be recent computer science graduates aged 21-25 from universities in Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt.

But go deeper into psychographic insights too. What drives and motivates them? Tech talents often value innovative environments, flexible work policies, professional development opportunities, and competitive compensation packages.

Study their job search behaviour as well. Where do they look for roles? How do they research companies? Software developers frequently use specialised job boards like and browser developer forums on mobile.

Write Job Descriptions That Truly Sell:

Your job advert is a candidate’s first introduction to your role and company. Craft listings that speak directly to your target audience using language and keywords they relate to.

For example, a software engineer advert could begin: “Passionate about coding and eager to work on cutting-edge products? Join our innovative tech team as a Python Developer…”

Clearly list out key responsibilities like “Build and maintain scalable web applications” and required skills like “Expert in Python, Django, RESTful APIs.” But also sell the benefits like “Competitive salary, quarterly bonuses, professional development budget.”

Give a window into your workplace culture too. Share details that showcase your modern office space, vibrant team, and commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Explore the Power of Social Recruiting:

With millions on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, social media is a vast talent pool.
But go beyond just posting job adverts aimlessly.

Build a powerful employer brand by sharing engaging content that highlights your company culture, values, and employee stories. Post team photos from the last hackathon, employee testimonial videos, and news updates.

Proactively engage passive job seekers by joining online communities related to your roles. For developers, join programming forums, comment on tech blogs, and reach out to skilled developers you discover.

Leverage targeting capabilities too. Run LinkedIn ads for “JavaScript Developers in Abuja” or boost Facebook posts about your Java roles to reach relevant candidates.

Become a Data-Driven Hiring Machine:

Simply spraying job adverts isn’t enough. Implement data tracking to optimise your recruiting process at every stage.

Monitor metrics like time-to-hire, applicant funnel conversion rates, and cost-per-hire for each role. Did most Quality Assurance hires come through LinkedIn? Then double-down on that channel.

A/B test and iterate constantly too. Trial two versions of your software engineer job description and see which gets more qualified applies from your target audience.

Use advanced tools to forecast hiring demands based on headcount plans, attrition rates, and growth projections. If your product roadmap requires 20 new developers next year, you can start sourcing them now.

Build Long-Lasting Talent Pipelines:

Don’t just apply quick recruitment fixes. Build an engaged talent community you can nurture and tap into whenever needed.

Host virtual webinars covering topics like “Programming Trends in 2024” or “How to Become a Cybersecurity Specialist” to attract skilled professionals.

Share insightful, value-added content on your careers blog like “10 In-Demand Tech Skills” or “Work-Life Balance Tips for Developers” to keep them engaged.

Attend major tech conferences, hackathons, and meetups too. Not just to hire immediately but to expand your talent network and uphold a strong industry presence.

FAQs on Smarter Hiring in Nigeria

Q: How do I analyse my target audience effectively?
A: Utilise demographic, psychographic, and behavioural data to build well-rounded candidate personas. Study factors like their ages, interests, motivations, and job search activities.

Q: What makes a great job description?
A: Use targeted language, relevant keywords, clear responsibilities/requirements, sell the benefits, and give a glimpse of your culture. E.g. “Python expertise…learning opportunities…modern workplace.”

Q: How can social media improve my hiring?
A: Showcase your employer brand, engage passive talents directly, target relevant audiences, and promote job openings on channels they frequent.

Q: Why is recruitment data so valuable?
A: It allows you to track performance, optimise strategies, make data-backed decisions, forecast needs, and drive continuous improvement.

Q: How do I build talent communities?
A: Host virtual events, share insightful content, engage in online discussions, attend relevant meetups and conferences.

Q: What’s the value of virtual hiring events?
A: You can connect with skilled professionals at scale without location barriers and showcase your company, culture, and career opportunities.

In summary, understanding your ideal candidates deeply, leveraging digital channels intelligently, building lasting talent relationships, and making data-driven decisions are crucial for optimising your recruitment process to hire Nigeria’s top talents across industries.

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