The Rise of the Hybrid Work Model in Nigeria 2024: Embracing the Future of Work - Beshortlisted

The Rise of the Hybrid Work Model in Nigeria 2024: Embracing the Future of Work 

In recent times, the way people work in Nigeria has changed a lot. More and
more companies are adopting what’s called a hybrid work model’. This means that employees can work
partly from home and partly from the
office. Several things have led to this change, like better technology, what workers want, and big events like the COVID-19 pandemic In this article, we’ll look at how
hybrid working took off in Nigeria in 2024, its benefits, and the challenges it

What is a Hybrid Work Model?

A hybrid work model combines remote work
from home and working from a traditional office. It gives employees the
flexibility to choose where and when they work. Companies can get the best of
both worlds – the increased productivity and cost savings of remote work, as well as the team bonding
and innovation that comes from in-person collaboration at the office.

Hybrid working is becoming more popular in Nigeria as it
suits both employers and employees. It offers flexibility while still allowing
for in-person collaboration when needed. But it also comes with some challenges
that we’ll explore further.

Why Nigerian Companies are Going Hybrid in 2024:

Let’s face it, the way we work is changing big time. More and more Nigerian
businesses are hopping on the hybrid working bandwagon, allowing staff to
divide their time between the office and remote setups. But what’s really
driving this shift? Let’s break it down:

Tech Transformations:

Advancements in technology, particularly in communication and collaboration
tools, have made remote work more accessible and efficient than ever before.
With the proliferation of high-speed internet connectivity and cloud-based
software solutions, employees can seamlessly collaborate and communicate
regardless of their physical location.

With video calls, messaging apps and cloud storage now the norm, it’s easier
than ever for remote teams to collaborate effectively from anywhere. A survey
by PwC found 77% of companies credit tech upgrades for enabling hybrid

What Employees Want:

The millennial and Gen Z crowd hugely value flexibility and work-life

The hybrid work model aligns with their preferences, allowing them to tailor
their work arrangements to suit their individual needs and lifestyles.

Research from Glassdoor shows 62% prioritise these factors when job hunting.
Offering hybrid roles is a major pull for attracting top young talent.

The COVID Effect:The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst
for the adoption of remote work practices worldwide. In Nigeria, lockdowns
forced a sudden shift to remote work in 2020, many firms were sceptical.
However, data from the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics reveals
productivity actually increased by 23% on average. As restrictions eased, 68%
chose to continue with a hybrid model long-term.

The Business Perks 

Productivity Boost:

Studies have shown that remote work can lead to increased productivity due
to reduced distractions and the ability to focus on tasks without
interruptions. By allowing employees to work remotely part of the time,
organisations can tap into this productivity boost while still maintaining
opportunities for collaboration and teamwork.

Numerous studies, including one from Stanford, demonstrate remote employees
are more focused and get more done without office distractions. However the
hybrid setup still allows for in-person collaboration when needed.

Cost Savings:

Running a traditional office is expensive with rent, utilities and overhead

Adopting a hybrid work model enables organisations to reduce their real
estate footprint and overhead costs while still providing employees with access
to office facilities when needed. A report by Gartner found hybrid policies can
reduce real estate needs by 30%, resulting in major savings.

Staff Retention:

Flexible policies make employers far more attractive. Microsoft’s 2022 Work
Trend Index shows 53% of professionals now prioritise remote options over
salary. Going hybrid helps hold onto your star staff.

Watch Out For….

Equality Pitfalls:

If handled poorly, remote setups can create disparities in access to
opportunities and resources. Inclusive implementation is key, ensuring a level
playing field regardless of location.

Culture Dilution:

Building team spirit gets tougher with employees dispersed. Companies must
get creative, using virtual events and activities to foster bonding and

Tech Pressures: 

Hybrid work relies heavily on robust IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and
comprehensive training to facilitate seamless remote collaboration. Upfront
investments are essential.

The Way Forward:

As we progress into 2024 and beyond, Nigerian businesses must recognise the
significance of the hybrid work model. Embracing this approach is crucial for
staying competitive in the evolving workplace landscape. It’s essential to
invest in suitable technologies, prioritize inclusivity, and uphold company
culture. By doing so, you can harness productivity gains and attract top talent
with unparalleled flexibility.

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